Friday, 7 October 2016

Is it possible to construct a building in soil subjected by liquefaction potential?

Many people are afraid of constructing their buildings in area subjected by liquefaction potential and in wetland it may be swamp, marsh. What can you do when you find much water from underground at the site in the process of constructing your building? What decision you can take when site under construction are subjected a lot of water after your site investigation? This article describes some methods of improving soil properties.
Only solution of these problems is soil stabilization define as method of improving soil properties by mixing with other materials. For me I pick up Two main types of soil stabilization technics such that mechanical stabilization and chemical stabilization.

Mechanical stabilization is method refers to physical changing property of soil somehow, in order to affect its gradation, solidity, and other characteristics. Mat foundation and deep foundation are important way of resolving this problem. This is done after compaction of the soil. Compaction is one of the major types of soil stabilization which is the densification of soil by removal of air. This increases the strength characteristics of soils which increase the bearing capacity of foundations constructed over them. 

Compaction also decreases the amount of undesirable Settlement of structures and increases the stability of slopes of embankments for this we use material like Smooth wheel rollers, sheep foot rollers, rubber-tired rollers, vibratory rollers and Vibroflot devices.

Chemical stabilization is method refer for adding addition materials to the soil that will physically interact with it and change its properties. These additional chemical materials are calcium chloride, sodium chloride and sodium silicate. For this chemical vapor pressure gets lowered, surface tension increase and rate of evaporation decreases. The freezing point of pure water gets lowered and it results in prevention or reduction of frost heave.  The other addition materials are cement, lime, bitumen, fly ash, or kiln dust. Most of the reactions are cementation and pozzolanic in nature, depending on the nature of the soil present at the particular site you are investigating.

All these method of soil stabilization are used all over the world. When you put them into consideration your land will be used properly and your building will be strong.

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                                     By Didace BIZIYAREMYE

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